Ons Team

Isabel Barbera
Co-FounderIsabel Barberá is het hart van Rhite.
Met een multidisciplinaire achtergrond in privacy en security, engineering, recht en ethiek begeleidt zij organisaties bij het ontwerpen en implementeren van verantwoorde digitale oplossingen. Ze heeft een passie voor privacy en security by design en voor de bescherming van mensenrechten.
Isabel is de auteur van de open-source AI assessment tool PLOT4.ai, een threat modeling library en methodologie die organisaties helpt bij het bouwen van Responsible AI systemen.

Martijn Korse
Co-FounderMartijn Korse is de technische kern van Rhite.
Hij heeft een lange carrière op het gebied van software engineering, DevSecOps en cybersecurity. Daarnaast heeft hij een achtergrond in psychologie en filosofie.
Martijn deelt met Isabel de passie voor privacy en security by design en hij is ook een groot voorstander van responsible human-centered design.

Lea Magnano
UX Design, Strategy & AI Transparency ConsultantLea is een UX- en Strategy Designer met een focus op de bruikbaarheid en transparantie van digitale producten. Ze is gepassioneerd over het bevorderen van verantwoorde technologie en gebruikt visuele communicatie en storytelling om Trustworthy AI zowel gebruiksvriendelijk als toegankelijk voor iedereen te maken. Lea's mensgerichte aanpak zorgt ervoor dat elk ontwerpelement met mensen in gedachten wordt gemaakt, waarbij ze been balans zoekt tussen Kunstmatige Intelligentie en menselijke autonomie. Haar werk bevordert interacties die gebaseerd zijn op vertrouwen en inclusiviteit, waarbij gebruikers worden empowered en hun rechten worden gerespecteerd.

Alexia Muresan
AI ConsultantAlexia is een AI-consultant, gespecialiseerd in fairness en responsible design en implementatie van AI-systemen. Met een achtergrond in AI-engineering en business biedt ze holistische ondersteuning om bedrijfsontwikkeling te optimaliseren, waarbij ethische en betrouwbare AI de hoogste prioriteit krijgt.
Collaborators & Advisors

Anna Danes
AI CollaboratorData Ethics - Operationalizing AI Ethics | 100 Brilliant Women in AI Ethics 2023 | Ricaris and MVT CoFounder
Anna Danes helps organizations develop AI ethically by creating frameworks and methods that guide their practices.
She has expertise in bringing organizational and cultural changes to companies through designing and implementing operational guidelines and functional processes.
Her work targets leadership, C-level, engineering, and product teams.
She applies her previous experience as a Remote Teams Consultant for organizations like Comcast, Infor, and the US Government to tech companies that want to embed Ethics in their DNA.
She can work with large multicultural organizations and startups alike.
She knows how to foster cultural and structural changes organically without compromising innovation.
Anna is an active member of OdiseIA, a non-profit independent Observatory of the Ethical and Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence.
She has given keynote speeches at the biggest Software Development Conferences in Europe and taught as a guest at the UOC (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
and at the HBS focusing on AI Ethics in the Health and Pharma sectors.
Anna has a Bachelor’s in Humanities from Universitat Pompeu Fabra, a Bachelor’s in Communication from Universitat Ramon Llull, as well as studies of Ethics, Technology and Engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology and Data Ethics, AI and Responsible Innovation from The University of Edinburgh.
She is currently focusing on consulting as well as designing and facilitating AI Ethics courses and workshops.
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Ian Oliver
Privacy Engineering CollaboratorDistinguished Member of Technical Staff, Nokia Bell Labs, Finland
Dr. Oliver is a DMTS at Nokia Bell Labs specialising in Trusted and Confidential computing as applied to critical infrastructure, 5G, 6G and ORAN. He has a long background in privacy engineering and he is the author of the book: Privacy Engineering, a Dataflow and Ontological Approach

Jason Cronk
Privacy Engineering CollaboratorAuthor of “Strategic Privacy by Design” | Privacy Engineer | CIPT, CIPM, CIPP/US, FIP | President of Enterprivacy Consulting Group and the Institute of Operational Privacy Design
With over two decades of experience in principle and trust consulting, R. Jason Cronk is a seasoned privacy engineer, developer, lawyer, author of the IAPP textbook “Strategic Privacy by Design,” Section Leader of the IAPP’s Privacy Engineering Section, and founder and president of the Institute of Operational Privacy Design, a non-profit organization of privacy professionals which seeks to define and drive the adoption of common and comprehensive standards to protect individuals’ privacy. His knowledge and involvement reaches across the spectrum as an active member of the academic, engineering, legal and professional privacy communities and a pioneering voice in the development of privacy by design. Whether it is writing books, developing models and frameworks, or training companies and individuals alike, he is tirelessly advocating for privacy across the world read more

Marisa van Velzen
Marketing advisorBusiness & Marketing Strateeg at Meridaux

Nancy Irisarri Méndez
AI CollaboratorDeveloper & Data Scientist
Data Scientist with machine learning and deep learning experience, object-oriented programming, and data privacy (CIPT certified). Advanced understanding of statistics and other analytical techniques. Team player, motivated and creative with significant background in research and development and in the health sector.